Brief Psychological:
A shortened evaluation often used to provide the individual with an overview of their mental health functioning. It usually include a self-rating scale, targeting specific symptoms.
Forensic Evaluations:
Many institutionalized individuals who face stringent penalties by the criminal justice system are in need of a comprehensive forensic yet clinical evaluation that can help discern any traumatic experiences, environmental, social, family, and cultural factors that have contributed to the individual’s involvement in the judicial system. The Forensic Evaluations conducted by JNG Health Network, provides the individual the opportunity of much fairer trial and litigation by allowing a greater understanding of his/her/their emotional, psychological, and behavioral functioning. This thorough psychological evaluation allows for more informed decisions regarding their judicial needs.

Immigration Evaluation:
A psychological evaluation designed to provide lawyers, judges, and immigration personnel with mental and cognitive health status of a person to help with acquiring citizenship or amnesty to remain in the country. It includes the completion of various immigration forms such as the N-648. This evaluation can be conducted at Krome or other Detention Centers where the immigrant may be held.
In-Depth Psychological Evaluation:
Consist of a variety of research based tools used to assess an individual's personality, emotional health, unresolved early life conflicts, social - interpersonal functioning, level of insight, and view of the world. It can be broad as to determine one's overall mental health or tailored to a specific need.

Mental Capacity for Major Medical Decisions:
Prior to embarking on potentially dangerous medical procedures, Physicians and Insurance providers often require a mental / emotional capacity for the individual to make decisions on major medical procedures. Common ones include:
- Bariatric Surgery (i.e. gastric bypass, gastric band, gastric sleeve)
- In Vitro Fertilization
- Transgender Surgery
Mental Status Examination:
This evaluation include a clinical interview and a series of question targeting a person’s level of cognitive functioning. It is often used as a screening tool to detect mental illness, intelligence, and neuro-cognitive impairment. It can also be used to screen a person’s functioning capacity.

Neuro-Psychological Evaluation:
A comprehensive psychological test that measure memory, attention, concentration, intelligence, language, and other neurological functioning. It is commonly used to detect dementia, amnesia, and related disorders and is used to support diagnosis such as Alzheimer's Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury.
Parenting Suitability Evaluation:
This evaluation is often requested by Child Protective Services, Family Courts and associated agencies to help determine if an individual has the capacity to effectively parent a child. It includes a series of tests targeting parenting skills, stress tolerance, parenting views, and potential risk of harm to a child.

Psycho-Educational Evaluations:
Used to assess giftedness, learning disabilities, and overall intellectual and academic functioning. Most reputable assessment tools i.e. Wechsler Scales and Woodcock Johnson are used and a detailed report is generated targeting areas of intellectual and academic strengths, weaknesses. Specific recommendations are made for primary and secondary school educators and administrators.
Other Psychological Evaluation:
A psychological evaluation can be tailored according to a Client’s specific needs. This include vocational evaluation, gun permit assessments, disability, adoption abilities, accommodations for service pets (dogs) etc… The determination of the specific evaluation that need to be completed is usually done at the Intake or General Clinical Evaluation.